Kidneys are said to be the filtering unit of the body. Kidneys play many significant functions like activation of vitamin D and maintaining the overall fluid balance in the body. Kidneys are the two crucial bean-shaped organs of the renal system. They assist the body in passing out the waste in the form of urine. Some of the important functions of the kidney are inclusive of the creation of red blood cells producing hormones, regulation and filtration of important minerals from the blood, and filtration of toxic substances.
Any kind of hindrance in the functioning of the kidneys might result in the damage of kidney and kidney failure eventually. However, this loss can be altered with the help of kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda. As kidneys filter wastes, they are exposed to toxins due to which there are high chances that kidney may meet damages like chronic kidney disease, kidney failure, kidney stones, acute nephritis, glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, urinary tract infections, uremia, acidosis, hydronephrosis, caliectasis, kidney cysts, azotemia, nephrotic syndrome, and pyelonephritis. Moreover, Best Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally in India can bring all these conditions in the right place.
Common symptoms of kidney problems
Kidney disease comes with certain symptoms. With the variation in the disease comes the variation in the symptoms. However, there are certain symptoms that remain common in every kidney disease. The allopathic form of treatment for kidney disease works on the treatment of these symptoms but kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda efficiently and persistently works upon the symptoms as well as the underlying cause of the disease. This is how Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally works for the betterment of any disease from the cellular level along with eliminating all the odds. Now, mentioned below is a list of symptoms a person might notice while suffering from kidney disease despite its type. These are:
a) Fatigue
b) Trouble sleeping
c) Dry and itchy skin
d) Low concentration capacity
e) Urination issues (the frequency might increase or decrease)
f) Foamy urine
g) Blood in urine
h) Muscle cramps
i) Puffiness around the eyes
j) Swelling in the ankle
k) Low appetite
b) Trouble sleeping
c) Dry and itchy skin
d) Low concentration capacity
e) Urination issues (the frequency might increase or decrease)
f) Foamy urine
g) Blood in urine
h) Muscle cramps
i) Puffiness around the eyes
j) Swelling in the ankle
k) Low appetite
You are required to go to the doctor if you notice any of these symptoms within you. They will do the diagnosis and evaluate the results accordingly. These symptoms will also provide them with the idea to do the required kidney function test.
Tips to keep kidneys healthy
There are some tips that come directly from the books of Ayurveda in order to take good care of the kidneys’ health. Any damage or losses in the functioning ability of kidneys have their impact on the other parts of the body. Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is inclusive of certain measures that help a person in taking care of his or her organ.
1) Avoiding an excess amount of salt from the food is the primary concern of Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally. Excess sodium may disturb the mineral balance in the blood which makes it very hard for the organ to perform any of its functions. Processed and junk foods are the major sources of high sodium. Cut on these types of foods and eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and lean cuts of meat instead.
2) It is also important to know and educate yourself about the risk factors of kidney diseases. Get your kidney functioning test done at regular intervals. You are required to stay conscious if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and any family history in kidney diseases. These risk factors will help you to prevent kidney damages.
3) Exercise is needed by the body to stay physically fit in any health condition, even if you are a bit sick, normal light exercise will be a great help. High blood pressure is one of the risk factors of chronic kidney disease. Doing a light amount of exercise daily will help you to keep this level of blood pressure under control.
4) According to the health advisory of kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda, water is very essential for the body and for the human kidneys. 70% of the human body is made up of water and kidneys also need water to function properly. Water helps kidneys in the removal of toxins.
Kidney disease and Ayurveda
Ayurveda is the holistic approach to kidneys treatment. Ayurveda is said to be the mother of all healings. Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment naturally has many benefits for the health of the human. The therapeutic herbs of the Ayurveda and the compound free herbal medicines are the panacea for kidneys treatment. Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is inclusive of many routine and dietary changes that help a diseased person in getting well real soon. Unlike allopathic or any other treatment method, the focus of Ayurvedic treatment is on the wholesome rejuvenation of the damage and treats the condition of the kidneys from the cellular level. There are major health benefits a human might obtain from the Best kidney treatment in Ayurveda. These are as follows:
a) When a person meets an Ayurvedic nephrologist, he is provided with a customized and balanced diet that compliments his treatment. This modified diet helps the patient in shedding a lot of fat and prevent obesity which is a risk factor associated with kidney disease.
b) The method of treatment in Ayurveda helps the human in saying goodbye to the stress. Practicing yoga, meditation, massages, and breathing exercises lets the body detoxify on itself and rejuvenates. These exercises help in the improvement of the autonomic nervous system.
c) Ayurvedic treatment helps in the reduction of inflammation.
d) It helps in body cleansing.